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The original Richard Wilhelm translation for the hexagram...


Hexagram 34 - Ta Chuang
The Power of the Great

Click on any hexagram line below to read the original Richard Wilhelm translation for that line...

6 yin
5 yin above: Chên / The Arousing, Thunder
4 yang
3 yang
2 yang below: Ch'ien / The Creative, Heaven
1 yang

The great lines, that is, the light, strong lines, are powerful. Four light lines have entered the hexagram from below and are about to ascend higher. The upper trigram is Chên, the Arousing; the lower is Ch'ien, the Creative. Ch'ien is strong, Chên produces movement. The union of movement and strength gives the meaning of THE POWER OF THE GREAT. The hexagram is linked with the second month (March-April).


THE POWER OF THE GREAT. Perseverance furthers.

The hexagram points to a time when inner worth mounts with great force and comes to power. But its strength has already passed beyond the median line, hence there is danger that one may rely entirely on one's own power and forget to ask what is right. There is danger too that, being intent on movement, we may not wait for the right time. Therefore the added statement that perseverance furthers. For that is truly great power which does not degenerate into mere force but remains inwardly united with the fundamental principles of right and of justice. When we understand this point - namely, that greatness and justice must be indissolubly united - we understand the true meaning of all that happens in heaven and on earth.

The Tao of Power:
Lao Tzu's Classic Guide to Leadership, Influence, and Excellence [A new translation of the Tao Te Ching] by R.L. Wing

I Ching Online

Moon in thunder sky


Thunder in heaven above:
Thus the superior man does not tread on paths
That do not accord with established order.

Thunder - electrical energy - mounts upward in the spring. The direction of this movement is in harmony with that of the movement of heaven. It is therefore a movement in accord with heaven, producing great power. However, true greatness depends on being in harmony with what is right. Therefore in times of great power the superior man avoids doing anything that is not in harmony with the established order.

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