I Ching Online
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The original Richard Wilhelm translation for the hexagram line...

Hexagram 45
Ts'ui - Gathering Together [Massing]

yang above: Tui / The Joyous, Lake
yin below: K'un / The Receptive, Earth


Hexagram Forty-Five/Line Three

Six in the third place means:
Gathering together amid sighs.
Nothing that would further.
Going is without blame.
Slight humiliation.

At the Moulin Rouge

'At the Moulin Rouge' - Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (painted between 1892-1895)

Often a man feels an urge to unite with others, but the individuals around him have already formed themselves into a group, so that he remains isolated. The whole situation proves untenable. Then he ought to choose the way of progress, resolutely allying himself with a man who stands nearer to the centre of the group, and can help him to gain admission to the closed circle. This is not a mistake, even though at first his position as an outsider is somewhat humiliating.

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