I Ching Online
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The original Richard Wilhelm translation for the hexagram line...


Hexagram 61
Chung Fu - Inner Truth

yang above: Sun / The Gentle, Wind
yang below: Tui / The Joyous, Lake
I Ching Online


Hexagram Sixty-One/Line Three

Six in the third place means:
He finds a comrade.
Now he beats the drum, now he stops.
Now he sobs, now he sings.

Ever Changing Moods

Ever Changing Moods by Jaybe

Here the source of a man's strength lies not in himself but in his relation to other people. No matter how close to them he may be, if his centre of gravity depends on them, he is inevitably tossed to and fro between joy and sorrow. Rejoicing to high heaven, then sad to death - this is the fate of those who depend on an inner accord with other persons whom they love. Here we have only the statement of the law that this is so. Whether this condition is felt to be an affliction or the supreme happiness of love, is left to the subjective verdict of the person concerned.

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