I Ching Online
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The original Richard Wilhelm translation for the hexagram line...

Hexagram 22
Pi - Grace

yin above: Kên / Keeping Still, Mountain
yin below: Li / The Clinging, Flame
History of silk

History of silk


Hexagram Twenty-Two/­Line Five

Six in the fifth place means:
Grace in the hills and gardens.
The roll of silk is meagre and small.
Humiliation, but in the end good fortune.

A man withdraws from contact with people of the lowlands, who seek nothing but magnificence and luxury, into the solitude of the heights. There he finds an individual to look up to, whom he would like to have as a friend. But the gifts he has to offer are poor and few, so that he feels ashamed. However, it is not the material gifts that count, but sincerity of feeling, and so all goes well in the end.

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