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The original Richard Wilhelm translation for the hexagram line...

Hexagram 4
Mêng - Youthful Folly

yin above: Kên / Keeping Still, Mountain
yang below: K'an / The Abysmal, Water


Hexagram Four/Line Six

Nine at the top means:
In punishing folly
It does not further one
To commit transgressions.
The only thing that furthers
Is to prevent transgressions.

Punishment of the Baker

'Punishment of the Baker' - Jacopo da Pontormo (Italy, 1494-1557)

Sometimes an incorrigible fool must be punished. He who will not heed will be made to feel. This punishment is quite different from a preliminary shaking up. But the penalty should not be imposed in anger; it must be restricted to an objective guarding against unjustified excesses. Punishment is never an end in itself but serves merely to restore order.
This applies not only in regard to education but also in regard to the measures taken by a government against a populace guilty of transgressions. Governmental interference should always be merely preventive and should have as its sole aim the establishment of public security and peace.

I Ching Online

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